This municipal well had been troubled by deteriorating performance for some time. Various methods of rehabilitation had been attempted without success. Substantial expenditures had been committed, with little return. WellJet teamed up with Rottman Drilling to tackle the challenge.
The result was a spectacular improvement in Specific Capacity – from 6.6 to 84 – an efficiency improvement of 1,273%.
Drill date: 1988
Total depth: 1,320′
Construction: mild steel
Perforation type/zone: horizontal louvers, 514′-1,154′ (640′)
Original performance: test pump 4,500 gpm, 60′ drawdown, Specific Capacity 75.
Pre-rehab performance: Southern California Edison Test 650 gpm, 98′ drawdown, Specific Capacity 6.6.
Post-rehab performance: Southern California Edison Test 1,800 gpm (client’s desired flow), 22′ drawdown, Specific Capacity 84.